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  • Challenge Thinking

  • Shape Futures

  • Achieve More

  • Ofsted

    As a strong family of good academies, we are striving to ensure our young people achieve more, challenge thinking and shape futures.

    Recent School Ofsted reports

    Langstone Junior Academy

    A committed headteacher, deputy headteacher and other leaders have strengthened the curriculum over recent years, while carefully considering staff workload and wellbeing.

    I cannot recommend this school highly enough. It is wonderful.

    Highbury Primary School

    The school really focusses on building the children as good people. Children get off to a strong start in nursery.

    Staff give children opportunities to listen to songs and rhymes and to play games. This helps to improve their listening skills so that they are ready to learn to read.

    Langstone Infant Academy

    Pupils’ behaviour across the school is exemplary. Everyone understands the school’s rules and sticks to them.

    Staff help pupils, including children in early years, to be able to name and recognise their feelings. As one pupil told the inspector, ‘If you feel frustrated or wiggly, you can have a drink of water, take deep breaths or count to three’.

    Oakmoor School

    Pupils conduct themselves well and live up to adults’ high expectations of behaviour.

    Leaders have made sure that the curriculum is well planned and sequenced. They have worked with colleagues within the Trust to ensure that the curriculum builds on what pupils learn at primary school.