Why Join Us?
If you also believe in developing the agency of young people and want to be part of a research-informed organisation, then please read on.
We are unapologetic about who we are and what we need to be, with and for all of our people, no matter how old they are.
Working across Early Years, Teen Years and Adult Education through classrooms and lecture theatres has taught us a lot about what it means to educate. We use this to ensure we continue to be of public benefit so all our young people, staff and communities can Achieve More, Challenge Thinking and Shape Futures.
Being part of a team of professionals responsible for Finance, Admin, HR and People, Governance, ICT, Premises and Estates, Marketing and Engagement is rewarding because we invest in you, every day. Why? So that whilst you are focussed on ensuring our organisation continues to grow and evolve, our young people can Achieve More, Challenge Thinking and Shape Futures.
There are so many reasons to work in partnership with other schools and join our dynamic Trust.
If you are a Chair of Governors of a maintained school or a Chair of a Board for a single Academy Trust, you can contact us to learn more about what it means to be part of our Trust and explore who we are and what we do.
If you want to learn more about being part of an exciting and dynamic teaching profession, click here.
If you are taking the next steps as a teacher or academy leader, click here.
If you are questioning what is next for your career and want to explore your options in Finance, HR and People, Premises and Estates, Catering, Admin or Volunteering, click here.
Join us as a School, a single Academy Trust, a Volunteer, a Teacher, a Leader, a Teaching Assistant, an Accountant, a Marketing Expert, an Apprentice, a Head Teacher, a Learner.