The Trust Team
Trust Leaders
Jennese Alozie
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Talha Khan
Director of Finance
James Humphries
Director of Standards and Effectiveness
Louise Birch
Director of Engagement and Development
Cate Worrall
Director of Academy Improvement and Development
Emma Cornish
Director of Teacher Education and Development, SCITT
Academy Improvement
Alex Maxted
Leader of Academy Improvement
Jane Bush
Leader of Academy Improvement
Laura Turvey
Leader of Academy Improvement
Frances Stroud
Assistant Director of Business and Development
Chris Dawson
Finance Manager (Commercial and Fixed Assets)
Debi Haddleton
Senior Finance Officer
People and Development
Phil Matthews
Head of People and Development
Susan Slade
HR Business Partner
Emily Norris
HR Business Partner
Laura Wall
HR Business Partner
Leanne Knappett
Senior HR Systems and Pension Administration Officer
Jake Whittle
Recruitment Coordinator
Devon O'Neill
HR Advisor
Emily Akmenkalns
HR and Payroll Apprentice
Premises and Estate
Elspeth Monk
Premises Health and Safety Manager
Alex Baxter
Partnership Lead Premises Manager, CDM
Anne Canning
Health and Safety Consultant